Friends with benefits who like to experiment… social a little saucy!
You know what’s better than throwing money at your brand? Creative solutions to your online marketing problems. Social media audiences love creative ideas, they share them, get excited about them and devote themselves to the brand. We are constantly running social media experiments and putting big ideas out there to test the market for you. As a Talk About Creative client, we’ll may just build social media and online marketing experiments around your needs. We enjoy a creative solution to a marketing problem and we enjoy it all the more when our clients see BIG results.
Some of our most successful social media experiments
Facebook Shopper’s Spree Social Media Experiment
Shopper’s Spree came about as a direct sales and advertising tool for small businesses selling to 25-54 year old women with children in the home. We showcase 15 brands a month, directing up to 2000 (slightly tipsy) Aussie mums to their pages – on a bargain hunting, impulse buying spending spree. We run a moderate advertising campaign around each event and also offer “feature” product exposure.
How it converts:
We help clients carefully craft their folders to include some “cheap and cheerful impulse buys” a couple of loss leaders on their signature products and a showcase of their best products at a discounted price. This converts to:
- Lots of hype about their brand on the event night
- Viral sharing to their friends
- Email capture via “impulse buys”
- Return custom via new Facebook page likes
- In depth exposure for social word of mouth
Facebook Reverse Auction Experimental Events
Reverse Auction Events is a also direct sales and advertising tool for small businesses selling to 25-54 year old women with children in the home. Clients provide “feature products” to be auctioned off to up to 2000 slightly tipsy bargain hunters. We feature the image in advance and use up-to-date reach optimisation strategies to maximize viral exposure. The product is then given a ten minute feature spot in front of a highly attentive audience.
How it converts:
We create a list of benefits for each customer and prioritise those benefits. We then share these incrementally over the ten minute period while bidders comment and discuss. These events are extremely fun and exciting for bidders and they become genuinely upset if they don’t get to buy client products. This converts to:
- Lots of hype about their brand on the event night
- Viral sharing to their friends
- Benefit driven marketing to a highly targeted captive audience
- Facebook community growth
- Return custom
- In depth exposure for social word of mouth
Talk Social Professional Webinar Marketing Events
Talk Social started out as part of Talk About Creative’s SEO and social media training services but we soon realised the potential of this program for growing our professional clients’ branding position. We determine your customer’s problem and then create a training seminar to help you solve it. We create a presentation and then market it online. We channel new memberships via your website and into your Facebook group, Skype session or Google Hangout. We then run the event while you answer questions and position yourself as an expert.
So how is this different to any other Webinar? Talk Social Webinars introduce your brand to an established network of ideal candidates. Our Webinars connect you through trusted social contacts, social recommendation is powerful stuff!
How it converts:
Professionals, including B2B services, health professionals and education providers may struggle to “cut through the noise” and capture an “ideal market”. We tap into the conversation to uncover one very specific problem that your ideal market is facing and then build the strategy around it.
- New customers
- Viral sharing to their friends within your industry
- Trust driven marketing
- Facebook community growth
- Return custom
- In depth exposure for social word of mouth
See our Social Media Case Study here.
Social Media Cross Promotions
We provide a broad selection of cross promotions on Facebook and Instagram. Learn more about those here.